I LOVE October!
The month of October is one of the coolest months if not the best month of the year.
Low Carb Pumpkin Spice Latte
What to Ask During Your Next Performance Review
What to Ask During Your Next Performance Review
Next month will mark my 10 year anniversary with my current employer. That means review time… in my case a self review. As I think about my tenure with the company, my achievements, missed goals, lessons learned and so on… I can’t help but think back on all the performance reviews I have conducted and reviewed with my subordinates and managers through the past 10 years.
4 Inspirational Working Mom Movies you Must See
You are one busy mommy! Long hours at work, long nights up when your child is sick. Long commutes, last minute stops at the supermarket to get milk. Soccer practice, ballet recitals. Parent/teacher conference, business conference calls, angry bosses, and you find find yourself spread thin. Let’s not forget your hubby begging for your attention too. You can’t seem to catch a break. Ah if life was like in the movies… you could just yell CUT!
If you are a working mom, here are 4 Inspirational Working Mom Movies you Must See. These 4 women are smart, determined, strong, and loving mothers that figure out how to make it happen… and they do it all while looking darn cute too. So this weekend, if you get a chance… rent one of these inspiring movies. I promise that in between laughs and tears will relate in more than one way.
Getting Your Child to Love Reading
Helping your children enjoy reading is worth the investment of your time and energy.
Kids will learn reading skills in school, but often they come to associate reading with work, not pleasure. As a result, they lose their desire to read. And it is that desire—the curiosity and interest—that is the cornerstone to using reading and related skills successfully. I’m one of those kids. When I was little my parents were readers and as such they wanted me to be a reader too. Unfortunately… reading became a shore, a task, something I kind of had to do and was expected to do and like most kids would, I lost interest. As a teen, then reading became a need… I would read books just to learn and practice my English. One time, my dad gave me “The millionaire Mind” and said… “As homework, practice translating the first chapter”. He had the best of intentions… but the method was not very enticing when teens just want to hang out with friends or maybe just read for fun. Then came college and reading again was for knowledge and projects, not for recreation. Now as an adult my desire to read lit up again. And as a mother my desire for my child to to love reading. As a result I bought a Kindle a few years ago and it has become one of my favorite gadgets ever!
How to get your child to sleep in their own bed
How to get your child to sleep in their own bed
BED TIME! Lately I probably say that about 3 times each night, and I only have one child. Getting kids to sleep can be a battle. And getting them to sleep in their own bed? Well, that can be war!
Raising kids to be thinkers
Raising kids to be thinkers
Think big, You become what you think about, Knowledge is power… You’ve probably heard one of these cool thinking quotes that may have resonated and made you think…no pun intended. Here is one of my favorites – “thinking is the talking of the soul with itself” by Plato. But basically the word thinking is defined as the process of using one’s mind to consider or reason about something. Sounds pretty important eh? Well it really is. Since our thoughts are programming our lives at the rate of 1300 to 1800 words a minute, 24 hours a day, it is extremely important what kind of thoughts we allow in our minds. If we are constantly getting negative input, our programming is going to be largely negative, which in turn, will hinder our ability to live happy and healthy lives.
Top 10 one piece swimsuits 2015
Top 10 one piece swimsuits 2015

Who says one piece swimsuits are a thing of the past? On the contrary, I say they are totally in! Last week Miami Beach was Center-Stage during Miami Swim Fashion Week. And last night I had the pleasure of attending the Maaji Fashion Show with my sister and fashion blogger Laura from LauraWears.com
Strawberry Kiwi Frozen Mojito

What a week it’s been mommy! I think it’s time to take your heels off, let your hair down, bring the blender out and make a yummy frozen Mojito.
Being Cuban and living in Miami, I do love a good classic Mojito. However why not be a little adventurous and go for some fruity alternatives. I came across this recipe and immediately thought… I have to try it!
10 things moms should keep in the car at all times
10 things moms should keep in the car at all times.
I have about an hour commute to work each way. So basically I spend 2 hours a day in the car from Monday – Friday and on the weekends I drive around running errands, taking the little one to ice skating class, ballet, visiting the grandparents, play dates, birthday parties etc etc etc. Some days I feel like I spend more time in the car than in my house. Needless to say that with spending so much time in the car, something is bound to happen and you will be needing some essentials… With the right arsenal of supplies, you’ll be ready. Well, maybe, because with kids, you just don’t know.